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Trains to Dancefloor DnB Music...


"I have always loved hockey, but only somewhat recently have I discovered my deeper interest in the theory underpinning coaching. At school, I often lent a hand coaching younger years and even spent my gap year working within a PE department in order to continue my coaching practice. My own experience playing sport has taught me that its far more than pure technique that makes a player an effective performer, but a multitude of other factors."


 Loz has joined RO Co on a placement year, we are thrilled! And we cannot wait for her to return from Uni and join us on a more permanent basis.


"My curiosity peaked when I was given a snippet of psychology theory from my coach which he exercises on game day. I had no idea the depth behind decisions made by coaches and I realised this season, whilst coaching a men’s team at my local club, I had still only scratched the surface. Which is why I chose to study Sports Coaching BSc at Bournemouth University, and continue exploring this subject in depth."


Currently Coaching at Lansdown HC, Hockey Fever & GHA

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